Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wastewater Management Can Keep Communities Alive

“Water, water, everywhere and nary a drop to drink.” That was the cry of the Ancient Mariner. He was on the sea, the salty sea, and just dying for a drink of water. Water is necessary for life. What is it that they say? We can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Given that in the 21st century, there is only one percent of the water on earth that is available for human use, we could be in dire straits.

This is where wastewater management comes in. Frankly without wastewater management there could be mega problems all around the world, not just in the future but right now. We already know what happens in impoverished areas where drinking water is not filtered. Global H2O Investments, LLC (GHI) knows what wastewater management facilities can do. Whether it is at the municipal level or at the industrial level, wastewater must be managed or – let’s be dramatic about it – people will die. Sure that is a dramatic statement but it is also accurate.

On a more likely level, however, by handling wastewater properly, which means recycling and reusing treated wastewater, municipalities can lower energy costs, save landfill space and create nutrient-rich wastewater solids. Not only are these green-friendly results but they can keep a municipality happy and healthy. Making the right decisions call for specialized knowledge. As they say on television this is not something you can try at home. Expertise is needed to get wastewater management going. There are big questions to ask such as what demand the municipality will have for wastewater management, where should the wastewater management plant be located, and what wastewater management plant buildings are needed. There are more and deeper questions. The only answer that is known is that a wastewater management system is necessary.

Read more about wastewater management at

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